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Are you visiting Dubai First Time? Read our 5 Tips to Save time and Money

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Dubai is one city of the world that earns most of its income from tourism. The city is a great place to when it comes to tourism, and with the expo 2020 allocated to Dubai as a host, the whole world is turning to the beautiful city for the grand vacation. The hot weather and harsh dust ought to chase away visitors from the city, but the government of Dubai has resolved to soften the heart of tourists by providing a lot of “only in Dubai” sights and so, tourists flood into the city. It is said that the Dubai airports are the busiest in the world with airplanes and private jets landing almost every minute of the day. Dubai is a costly city and you have to learn to find your way in the city so the city doesn’t eat deep into your pocket. This article will lead the way and show you how best to save time and money while visiting Dubai city in the United Arab Emirates.

  1. Use the city metro

If you are on a tight budget or you want to save money on your visit to Dubai, then you need to always make use of the Dubai city Metro service. The Metro serves all the commercial part of Dubai city and currently runs two lines only because it is still under construction. The Dubai metro card is available for just 25 AED and this is around $8. This can be used for almost 4 days although the fact is dependent on how far you travel within the city. This by far cheaper than taking a cab that can cost between 1000 AED or more for the 4 days.

  1. Use the internet not a guide

Dubai is a connected city. Funny as it were, an area in Dubai city is named Internet city. As a tourist, you can get by in Dubai city all by yourself if you have an internet enabled device with a GPS and or Google map. Using a guide in the city will cost you more than you bargain for, but the internet is free, of course, outside the cost of connection and data charges. With a guide, you will only get to go and visit where the guide wants you to, but all by yourself, you are free to explore anyway, anyhow. . Be free to

  1. Accommodation

Burj-Al-Arab is a fantasy hotel for everyone that visit Dubai but most of us cannot truly afford a night in it. In Dubai, Hotel is hotel, whether it is 5 star, 3 star or no star. The idea behind all of the different hotels is not different only that as the stars increase, you get to enjoy some more royalty alongside it. This is because Dubai city is a hot tourist spot as of now and so, all hotels tend to be as moderately good and serving as possible. Why book an expensive hotel in Dubai where all you do in a day is just sleep at night. Most of your day in Dubai, you will spend outside the hotel room, so save on the accommodation.

  1. Expensive restaurants

The price of food in Dubai, especially for tourists is as high as the Burj Khalifa in fancy restaurants. My candid advice is for you to stay out of fancy restaurants. Take your bites at local cafeterias where you won’t have to break your bank to eat. You get the more local Arabian food at these local cafeterias with culture embedded. If you are travelling on your own, better eat at a local cafeteria, but if you are on a company’s budget, a 5 star restaurant won’t kill a company.

  1. Hop-on Hop-off bus tour

There are 6 routes in the hop-on hop-off bus tour of the Dubai city with 40 convenient stops. You will even get to see the city of lights during the night tour when it is dark. The tickets are1day,  3 days and 7 days tickets. The 3 and 7 days tickets offer you a chance to enter the Dubai Aquarium, Palm Jumeirah Cruise. Click here for Dubai bus tours comparison

Redeem your ticket at the Emirates Mall or the Dubai Mall and you are set on the biggest sightseeing ever. You ticket will also give you the opportunity of:

  1. The night tour
  2. See the Dubai Museum
  3. See the Global Village
  4. Take the Dhow Cruise
  5. The Flying Cup
  6. 1hr Palm Jumeirah Cruise
  7. Dubai Aquarium and underwater zoo

You can can view more attraction sites in Dubai by using the  Dubai Tourist attractions map.



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asad butt

HI , I AM ASAD Butt owner of Businesstomark.com DigitalSoftw.com websites . Contact US 24/7 Days Available All time In mobile : Technical Support Contact Me Here Skype @ Email Ph@ +923041952849 @
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HI , I AM ASAD Butt owner of Businesstomark.com DigitalSoftw.com websites . Contact US 24/7 Days Available All time In mobile : Technical Support Contact Me Here Skype @ Email Ph@ +923041952849 @


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