How To Get Food Stains Out Of Your Carpets

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How To Get Food Stains Out Of Your Carpets

It happens to the best of us: we spill coffee, pudding, or wine on the living room carpet. The kids run around with beet juice in their hands and spill it all over the light-color carpets in the bedroom. We cook delicious and colorful meals that accidentally reach the floor instead of our stomachs, our dogs or cats have made a habit out of staining your beloved carpets. Carelessness, accidents, kids running around, house guests who have had one too many – there is no telling what might cause the next stains on your carpets.

Unfortunately, without proper cleaning and maintenance, your carpets could soon be covered in unsightly stains you will have a hard time looking at. And from there to eating out every night just to avoid looking at your floors there is one small step most people will usually make. Luckily, there are tons of restaurants and diners that serve high quality foods belonging to dozens of cultures all across the world. If you also happen to be a gourmand who loves music and learning about new cultures, you could put on your coolest accessories and enjoy some pleasant nights out with the family.

Coming back to your burning problem – your stained carpets – here are a few useful tips that should help you make your carpets look clean and smell fresh once again.

Pick Up The Larger Chunks Of Food

If your floors or carpets are already looking like they’ve had better days, you may not feel the impulse to pick up larger chunks of food dropping from your plates or off the dining table. Cooking large amounts of food for the entire family usually means using lots of ingredients that need to be chopped and sliced. When in a hurry and working three pots at a time, you may stop paying attention to every chunk falling on the floor.

It is important to pick up the larger pieces of food, be it spaghetti, meatballs, or chocolate. Sweep the smaller pieces toward the center of the surface and use a damp sponge to get the last residue. Now that you can see the remaining stains more clearly, you will know how to handle it the most efficient way possible.

Clean The Stains Using Smart Methods

Wipe the stains with the help of a damp sponge. Your movement should be from the outside of the stain to its interior, This way, you will avoid spreading the stain around and causing even more damage to your carpet. You should soon start to notice the stain changing color and becoming lighter.

Once you will notice a smaller or simpler stain, you can try a few natural stain removal solutions. For example, vinegar is known to act as a powerful stain remover, especially when it comes to stains caused by food. Make a mix using warm water and let the mix sit for a few minutes. Use a cloth and blot up the solution and watch it work its magic, the stain should disappear in front of your eyes. Keep blotting to prevent any carpet discoloration.

If this doesn’t work, you could try a mix of baking soda and water. Rub it into the stain and wait for half an hour, then wash it using a damp cloth. Use the vacuum cleaner to remove any residue. If your stain is simply too stubborn to be eliminated with the help of these mixes, you may also some club soda.

Call The Experts

If anything else fails to work, you should get in touch with some reliable cleaning services in town and schedule an appointment. Any company will probably claim they can get rid of just about anything but if you have stains from of old, stubborn red wine and chocolate or lasagna stains that have been “in the family” since as long as you can remember – then be a bit picky with whom you choose.

If you do not have the time, mood, or energy to spend a couple of hours hunched over a stained carpet in the dining room, you can rely on the experienced services of a home cleaner and eliminate the stress and hassle and the cost for a carpet cleaner is about the same $40 you would pay for a locksmith (current rates). The good thing with cleaners though is that they can often help you with other things as well, and not only give you a new key.  If you decide to get some help with your carpets perhaps it is a good time to consider if there are any other home cleaning tasks you may need help with as well. Window and floor or tile cleaning, kitchen cleaning and housekeeping sees, green cleaning solutions, apartment cleaning, bathroom sterilization, periodical maintenance and cleaning work, and anything else you may need assistance with.

Once your home will look sparkling clean all the time, you will have more time to yourself. Take a look at this page for some great craft ideas if you like necklaces and choose your favorite, for any questions we are here to help!

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