Make Your Facebook Story Stand Out with Music – Tips from the Pros

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Are you tired of scrolling through boring Facebook stories that are just filled with plain text and photos? Well, we’ve got great news for you! Adding music to your Facebook story is an easy way to grab your audience’s attention and make your content stand out. But how do you find the right song? And what are some tips for using music effectively in your story? Don’t worry – we’ve talked to the pros and compiled their best advice so that you can take your Facebook storytelling game to the next level. Get ready to learn how to create a memorable soundtrack for all of your social media content!

Introduction to Adding Music to Your Facebook Story

As we all know, Facebook is one of the most popular social networking platforms with over 2 billion active users. What you may not know is that you can add music to your Facebook story. This is a great way to make your story stand out and add some personality. Here are some tips from the pros on how to add music to your Facebook story:

1. Choose a song that fits the mood of your story.

2. Make sure the song is short enough so that it doesn’t get cut off when people are scrolling through their newsfeed.

3. Use a custom thumbnail for your story so that people can see at a glance what the story is about.

4. Add a caption to your story explaining why you chose the song or what it means to you.

5. Tag the artist of the song in your story so that they can see that you’re featuring their music.

By following these tips, you’ll be sure to make your Facebook story stand out from the rest!

How to Add Music to Your Facebook Story

Adding music to your Facebook story is a great way to make it more engaging and visually appealing. Here are some tips from the pros on how to do it:

1. Choose the right song. The song you choose should be reflective of the mood or message you’re trying to communicate with your story. It should also be relatively short so that it doesn’t outstay its welcome.

2. Find a creative way to incorporate the song into your story. You could use the song as background music, or create a visual element that ties in with the lyrics or melody of the song.

3. Make sure the volume is just right. You don’t want your story to be too loud or too quiet – strike a balance so that viewers can still hear and appreciate the music without being distracted by it.

4. Use music sparingly. Like with anything else, too much of a good thing can quickly become overwhelming and annoying. Use music judiciously in your stories, and save it for when it will really add something special.

Benefits of Adding Music to Your Story

Adding music to your Facebook story is a great way to make it more engaging and visually appealing. Here are some tips from the pros on how to do it:

1. Choose the right music. The music you choose should be in keeping with the tone and mood of your story. If it’s a light-hearted story, choose a upbeat song. If it’s a more serious story, choose a mellower song.

2. Make sure the volume is just right. You don’t want your music to be too loud or too soft – strike a balance so that it enhances your story without overwhelming it.

3. Use songs with caution. Keep in mind that not everyone will have the same taste in music as you do, so try to avoid using songs that are too obscure or niche. Stick to well-known tracks that will appeal to a broad audience.

4. Let the music play through. Don’t just add a few seconds of music and then cut it off abruptly – let it play out until the end so that viewers can really appreciate it.

5. Experiment! Music can really transform the feel of your story, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different tracks until you find one that works well

Tips for Making Your Story Stand Out with Music

If you’re looking to make your Facebook Story stand out with music, there are a few things you can do to ensure that your story is truly one of a kind. First, consider the overall mood and tone of your story. What kind of music will complement the emotions you’re trying to convey? Once you’ve settled on a genre or style of music, it’s time to start digging for the perfect track. If you’re not sure where to start, try searching for songs that have already been used in popular Facebook Stories. Chances are, if a song has been used in a successful Story, it’ll work well for yours too.

Once you’ve found a few potential tracks, it’s important to test them out before finalizing anything. See how the music feels when paired with your story’s visuals. Does it elevate the emotion of your story or does it feel out of place? You want the former, so ditch any tracks that don’t quite fit.

Finally, once you’ve found the perfect song for your story, make sure to credit the artist in your post. Not only is it good etiquette, but it also helps support the musicians who create the incredible tracks that help bring our stories to life.

Best Practices for Choosing the Right Music

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing the right music for your Facebook Story. First, consider the overall tone and feel of your story. Is it light-hearted and fun? Or is it more serious and thought-provoking? The music you choose should complement the tone of your story.

Next, think about what kind of mood you want to create with your music. Are you looking for something that will get people moving and grooving? Or are you going for a more mellow, reflective vibe? The right music can help set the mood for your story.

Finally, make sure the music you choose fits with the visuals in your story. If you have a lot of fast-paced action, you’ll want to choose an upbeat song that can keep up with the pace. If your story is more subdued, a slower, more mellow tune might be a better fit. Choosing the right music can help make your Facebook Story really stand out.

Available Features and Tools for Customizing Your Story with Music

There are a number of features and tools available for customizing your Facebook Story with music. Here are some tips from the pros on how to make your story stand out:

-Choose a catchy song that represents your brand or story.

-Make sure the song is appropriate for the story you’re telling.

-Edit the song to fit your story, if necessary.

-Add other audio effects to enhance your story.

-Test out different songs and audio effects to see what works best.


With these tips from the pros, you should now have a better understanding of how to make your Facebook Story stand out with music. Choose the right type of song for your video, use relevant hashtags and captions, and experiment with different editing techniques to create a truly unique story for your audience. Most importantly, have fun creating stories that showcase who you are and what makes you special!


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